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Holders of the token will be eligible to receive airdrops ​of the very first NFTs, as well as whitelist spots, and ​participation in our upcoming DAO.

As holders, you’ll have exclusive access to first looks, ​news, and planned product launches.

In addition, we’ll be picking 5 lucky winners who will ​have the chance to consult with our artist to design ​their own custom, one-of-a-kind B’Donk.

Let’s pump the rumps!










Hello everyone! I'm $TochiPixie, your blockchain ​whisperer and digital magician. Having left my mark ​on countless projects, I'm now proudly presenting my ​very own NFT collection – and because once is never ​enough, I'm throwing a brand-new coin into the mix!

But hold on, it gets even better:

I will be airdropping all shares of this coin directly to ​my loyal NFT holders. Yes, you heard right! I've poured ​not just a ton of money into this project, but also ​countless hours (and probably a few hairs lost along ​the way).

So, dear crypto enthusiasts, the next time you're ​looking to invest on PumpFun, forget the usual cat ​pics. Instead, put your money into something with ​real potential and a bright future. PuffPixie's magical ​crypto world awaits you!





TochiPixie is more than just an NFT project; it's a ​movement. With the exponential growth of ​the NFT ​market, there is a need for projects that offer tangible ​benefits and meaningful ​engagement for participants. ​Tochipixie aims to address this need by providing a

community where users can actively participate in the ​project's growth.

Our Vision

Our project's vision is to create a vibrant ​community ​around TochiPixie, eventually ​expanding into a ​recognizable brand. Inspired

by existing successful models, we envision ​expanding ​beyond the digital realm into a line of ​Tochipixie ​merchandise.

By fostering a strong and engaged community, ​we ​aim to create a brand that resonates with ​our ​audience and stands the test of time.

Most projects launch their NFTs first, and their ​token ​second. We’re very proud to do things ​pixwards!

$PUFFPIXIE Token Launch

On Monday, Mai 13th 2024, the $TOCHIPIXIE ​token was ​launched on, a

popular platform for token launches.

NFT Collection Launch

Following the successful token launch, the ​TochiPixie NFT ​collection was launched on ​Monday, Mai 13st 2024. These NFTs ​are ​available for purchase using $TOCHIPIXIE, ​providing ​additional utility for the token.

Up to 90% of the proceeds from NFT sales ​will be burned, ​thereby reducing the token ​supply and increasing its value. The ​​remaining tokens will be invested into the ​project's treasury.


A key feature of the $TOCHIPIXIE token is its deflationary nature, ​driven by a systematic burning ​mechanism. Whenever a TochiPixie ​NFT is sold, a percentage of the proceeds is designated for token ​​burning. This process involves permanently removing $TOCHIPIXIE ​tokens from circulation, effectively ​reducing the overall token ​supply. The burning mechanism serves to create scarcity, as the ​total supply ​of $TOCHIPIXIE decreases over time. With fewer tokens ​available, the remaining tokens become more ​valuable, ​incentivizing holding and discouraging rapid selling. This ​deflationary model rewards early ​supporters and contributes to ​the long-term sustainability of the $TOCHIPIXIE token.


The $TOCHIPIXIE tokenomics are designed to ensure its utility and ​value within the Puffs ecosystem. As the ​native cryptocurrency ​of our platform, $TOCHIPIXIE is the sole accepted form of payment for ​minting ​TochiPixie NFTs. This requirement establishes a direct link ​between the token and the digital assets it ​represents, reinforcing ​its importance within our community. Additionally, $TOCHIPIXIE

holders enjoy various benefits, including participation in ​governance decisions and access to exclusive events ​and ​merchandise. These tokenomics promote community engagement ​and reward loyalty, further enhancing ​the value proposition of ​$TOCHIPIXIE.


Maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of the $TOCHIPIXIE ​token is paramount to our ​project's success. To ensure ​transparency, all token burns are publicly recorded on the ​​blockchain, allowing community members to verify the ​authenticity of the process. We are ​committed to conducting ​burns in a fair and equitable manner, with the goal of benefiting ​the ​entire $TOCHIPIXIE community. By implementing a deflationary ​model and fostering a vibrant ​ecosystem, we strive to build a ​token that stands the test of time and continues to deliver value ​​to our holders.

Promotional Strategies

Promotional strategies are essential to the success of any NFT project, and at ​TochiPixie,

we take them seriously. Our promotional efforts go beyond traditional ​advertising; we aim ​to create value for our community through innovative ​strategies that engage and reward ​our supporters.

Holder Benefits

One of our primary promotional strategies

is to offer unique benefits to $TOCHIPIXIE token ​holders. These benefits not only incentivize ​​holding but also foster a sense of belonging ​within our community. $TOCHIPIXIE holders ​enjoy ​special pricing and exclusive access ​to NFTs, merchandise, and events. By ​rewarding our loyal ​supporters, we ​encourage long-term engagement and ​investment in the TochiPixie ecosystem.

Additionally, TochiPixie NFT holders will have ​access to our upcoming DAO, as well as a ​great ​opportunity regarding our upcoming ​spin-off collection.

Advertising & Collaborations

We recognize the importance of reaching ​our target audience through the right ​channels. That's why ​we invest in ​advertising through crypto and NFT ​marketing channels. From social media ​campaigns to ​sponsored content, we ​leverage these platforms to raise

awareness about TochiPixie and attract new ​members to our community. By targeting ​enthusiasts, ​we ensure that our message ​resonates with those most likely to engage ​with our project.

Collaboration is key to expanding our reach ​and building partnerships within the crypto ​space. We ​actively seek collaborations with ​other NFT projects, crypto communities, ​and influencers to cross-​promote and

share our message. Through these ​collaborations, we tap into new audiences ​and introduce ​TochiPixie to communities

that align with our values and vision. By ​leveraging the influence of trusted

partners, we amplify our message and ​attract more supporters to our cause.

Nice Texture of bright pink dramatic cloudy sky.dramatic sky with pink clouds background.

